Friday, June 25, 2010

Advertising in iPhone App -

Online shopping comparison website, enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions while on the move. is launching a free iPhone app that will give on-the-go shoppers easy access to product information, price comparisons and reviews. Now, consumers can stand in the aisles and check out product reviews from the's members. They can even price check and discover if the store they're in has the best prices or if they need to look further.

The FMCG company can make use of this App to place advertisement to the App, so apart from develop an Ad on your own to promote your product or company, you could also placing the advertisment in other App.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

iTunes share of the US music market swells to 26.7%

Apart from Apps, the music company can also make use of mobile marketing to promote their product, one of the example of promotion channel is Apple's iTunes music. Apple's iTunes music service has strengthened its lead in the US music market, growing to a whopping 26.7% of all music sold in the States, up from 21% a few years ago and 12% in 2007.
There is a growing trend of digital purchase, while the famous retail outlets Best Buy and Walmart, their shares drop by a few percentage points recently. So iTunes music is a channel that marketer should contribute it.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Productivity Equals Big Revenue in Mobile Apps

News and entertainment apps continue to dominate market share in download volume which bring real money makers in mobile. According to recent research by In-Stat, productivity apps – like mapping, business and enterprise applications and other smartphone tools & resources – are responsible for generating nearly 60% of all smartphone app revenue.

While games and other time-passing apps remain enormously successful and profitable, productivity is the new buzzword in lucrative mobile app development.

There are no less than eight notable smartphone OSs, and the number is more likely to grow rather than shrink. Google will exploit its Internet dominance, and Apple will leverage its development community and stable platform. Microsoft is placing its bet on Windows Mobile 7.

According to In-Stat, the number of Android apps downloaded is growing at the fastest rate, but Apple apps “still dominate both free and paid downloads.”