Friday, June 25, 2010

Advertising in iPhone App -

Online shopping comparison website, enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions while on the move. is launching a free iPhone app that will give on-the-go shoppers easy access to product information, price comparisons and reviews. Now, consumers can stand in the aisles and check out product reviews from the's members. They can even price check and discover if the store they're in has the best prices or if they need to look further.

The FMCG company can make use of this App to place advertisement to the App, so apart from develop an Ad on your own to promote your product or company, you could also placing the advertisment in other App.


Anonymous said...

You mentioned about Ad, what format of Ad the FMCG will place here. Will it be sth like the sponsor ad?
I wonder how many ppl will notice of those ad.

SPD4120 Mobile Marketing Year 2010 said...

The company can joint with to provide the price info so that their company name can be showed on the price compare page. Like the above company John Lewis and Argos.

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