Saturday, July 17, 2010

Measurement Tools and Metrics

After setting out of the above-mentioned external links and PR activities, we wanted to track our site’s traffic for evaluation of channel effectiveness. One way of tracking a click through is by installing a tracking tag – a hidden javascript attached with the link such that we can track the source of traffic, number of visitors, unique visitors, pageviews as well as click through rates.

A simple way of measuring the number of visitors is by downloading a Visitor Counter from This is a free online measurement tool for recording traffic data. The higher the number of visitors recorded, the higher the interest level of our site.

Another sophisticated method of getting the traffic data is to adopt for Google analytics. This is a comprehensive measurement tools dedicated for tracking online traffics such as traffic sources, number of visits, and also for analyzing visitor’s profiles, such as their geographic locations, languages, network locations and user defined as well as tracking browser’s profile such as browser’s operating systems.

At a glance, our blog noted a total of 33 visits and 145 pageviews, all located in Hong Kong, for the period from 18 June to 18 July 2010. For detail of the report please go to:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Online partnership and PR

While iPhone has been one of the most popular channels for mobile marketing, it has established a strong affiliate networks with its retail partner sites such as,, and

As a blogger of iPhone user, our recommendations for iPhone should be a credible source of information to mobile phone searchers. Therefore we propose to build partnership with these affiliate sites in return for building an external links to direct to our blog. In reality, a common practice is by placing of ‘Useful Link’ in these affiliate sites. This can be done by sponsorships and pertained within a long-term agreement so that traffic can be sustained to our blog.

Besides building relationship with business partners, we can also look for opportunity with vertical partners such as mobile phone interest sites ( for a placement of our blog’s link. On the other hand, we can feature their link for increasing exposures. Similarly, we can build relationship with other bloggers who are with the same interest in the form of building an external link with each other for sharing with mobile phone lovers.

Online PR can be done by building external links with social networks such as Facebook, Uwants or Discussion forums. These are free platforms that provided a good environment for making referrals, recommendations or exchanging ideas.

As the theme of our blog is i-phone, therefore it should be a good meat for phone users’ reference. Moreover as i-phone is now a hot topic in the market, we can put our blog’s URL in a facebook’s group and invite friends, interested individuals or advocates to add for ‘Like’ such that we can build our ‘fans’ for our blog. This can be a PR skill for earning favorable publicity.
On the side, we can generate more noise by creating some gimmicks for the name of the group. This could attract people’s attention thus could prompt people from clicking to our sites.

In addition, we can do some social marketing by riding on these platforms. For instance, we can do some online PR managements for our site. We can find a writer who are experienced with social sites’ environment and can talk with the same language of the site to post some favorable mentions about our site and get influence to opinion leaders or other interest groups at an aim for increasing media reports of our site.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Promotion through external link

Apart of launching difference promotion activities in iPhone App with other company, our blog can be search in the search engine for both Yahoo & Google, when the user type “spd4120” or “spd4120 mobile marketing, the search engine (both Yahoo & Google) will show the blog link. In additions, we also promote our blog in other different channels to increase the views of our blog, such as Facebook, uwants. Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. Facebook helps people connect and share with the people in your life. Uwants is a famous forum for users to share different topics or information. The Facebook and the Uwants are the popular website of information sharing to increase our blog awareness. The external link of mobile marketing is important for product or brand awareness that allow people to know your promotion.

Searh Engine: Google

Promotion in the Facebook

Promotion in the Uwants

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Points to note in iPhone App development

To develop an interesting App in order to attract user downlooad, there are 10 points to note:

1 Creating a simple App
Avoid complex requirement or function, such as the App created at Pinger called Pinger Phone. Although this app did get into the top 100 for a short while, it had both a social media feed and an IM client. Those who understood it, loved it. Buy many people just didn’t get it.

2 Providing both Paid and Free App
It is suggested to have a free and paid version if possible in order to get double the possible exposure in the app store and let users try the App before spending money on it.

3 Using Attractive and Eye Catching Graphics
Just look at the top 100 apps. Some of the icons are blurry, unprofessional, and don’t stand out. Create the best graphics that budget allows.

4 Priced your App Properly
What are your competitor’s apps priced at? You could price your app a bit high to start, then lower the price later. Some Apps would free for the first couple days so as to market it into the top 100. Then made it $.99. So it’s not always one size fits all. Think it through.

5 Having a Marketing Plan
You should make your marketing plans at the same time while you’re developing your App.

6 Keep Tracking Everything You Can
At a minimum track downloads, ranking, revenue, and important changes daily. You have to check what is driving your downloads and what is not. Get a great review in an app review website, check the effectiveness before you spend money on mobile ads.

7 Willing to Spend Money to Promote your App
You’ve spent hours and hours building a great App. You should be willing to spend some money to promote your App.

8 Doing Keyword Research
Apple allows 100 characters to enter keyword information about the App.Use Google’s free keyword tool and the iPhone App store search box to figure out what keywords to use.

9 Using your Userbase
If you’ve got a userbase when you launch your first app, announce the app to them.

10 Becoming or Hiring a Marketer
You should not just develop the App but not market it, you need to become a marketer. Either start learning on your own or hire someone who can help you.