Thursday, July 15, 2010

Online partnership and PR

While iPhone has been one of the most popular channels for mobile marketing, it has established a strong affiliate networks with its retail partner sites such as,, and

As a blogger of iPhone user, our recommendations for iPhone should be a credible source of information to mobile phone searchers. Therefore we propose to build partnership with these affiliate sites in return for building an external links to direct to our blog. In reality, a common practice is by placing of ‘Useful Link’ in these affiliate sites. This can be done by sponsorships and pertained within a long-term agreement so that traffic can be sustained to our blog.

Besides building relationship with business partners, we can also look for opportunity with vertical partners such as mobile phone interest sites ( for a placement of our blog’s link. On the other hand, we can feature their link for increasing exposures. Similarly, we can build relationship with other bloggers who are with the same interest in the form of building an external link with each other for sharing with mobile phone lovers.

Online PR can be done by building external links with social networks such as Facebook, Uwants or Discussion forums. These are free platforms that provided a good environment for making referrals, recommendations or exchanging ideas.

As the theme of our blog is i-phone, therefore it should be a good meat for phone users’ reference. Moreover as i-phone is now a hot topic in the market, we can put our blog’s URL in a facebook’s group and invite friends, interested individuals or advocates to add for ‘Like’ such that we can build our ‘fans’ for our blog. This can be a PR skill for earning favorable publicity.
On the side, we can generate more noise by creating some gimmicks for the name of the group. This could attract people’s attention thus could prompt people from clicking to our sites.

In addition, we can do some social marketing by riding on these platforms. For instance, we can do some online PR managements for our site. We can find a writer who are experienced with social sites’ environment and can talk with the same language of the site to post some favorable mentions about our site and get influence to opinion leaders or other interest groups at an aim for increasing media reports of our site.


web 2.0 said...

Online partnership and PR is an amazing news,,,, really an creative idea,,,,, thanx for sharing this important piece of information,,,,,

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