Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sony Newly Launched iPhone Rock Da Phone App!

Sony launched a brand new iPhone App, Rock Da Phone on 14 June 2010 for mobile game playing. The musical game aims at challenge players with their musical coordination while enjoying the latest tunes from the band, MR.

The current version has two songs, “Everyone and “Rock Hed Mix”, from the bestselling album, Mr. – Link Black. Start on Easy and unlock new levels by scoring high points with hitting musical notes on the iPhone or iPod Touch screens.

In the mobile marketing perspective, user’s engagement with Sony could be increased via games playing. Through the interactivity between user and brand, users can develop a unique experience with Sony and thus could associate the brand with its brand value proposition – bringing innovative technology to life.


路過的 said...

cool game. like it very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool app, i like it too!!

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